Home Brandy Cobbler

Brandy Cobbler

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  • Sugar - 1 tsp superfine
  • Club soda - 3 oz
  • Lemon - 1
  • Brandy - 2 oz
  • Maraschino cherry - 1
  • Orange - 1

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  • In an old-fashioned glass, dissolve the sugar in the club soda.
  • Add crushed ice until the glass is almost full.
  • Add the brandy.
  • Stir well.
  • Garnish with the cherry and the orange and lemon slices.

Die Anleitung

  • In einem old-fashioned Glas den Zucker in der Soda auflösen.
  • Füge Crushed Ice hinzu, bis das Glas fast voll ist.
  • Füge den Brandy hinzu.
  • Gut umrühren.
  • Mit der Kirsche und den Orangen- und Zitronenscheiben garnieren.


  • In un bicchiere vecchio stile, sciogli lo zucchero nella soda club.
  • Aggiungi il brandy.
  • Aggiungere il ghiaccio tritato fino a quando il bicchiere è quasi pieno.
  • Guarnire con la ciliegia e le fettine di arancia e limone.
  • Mescolare bene.

Serve in: Old-fashioned glass

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