Home White Wine Sangria

White Wine Sangria

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  • Lime - 1
  • lemon - 1
  • White Wine - 750 ml
  • Strawberries - 1 cup
  • Apple - 1 cup
  • Apple Brandy - 3 shots
  • Soda Water - Top

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  • Chop the Lemon, Lime and other fruits into large chunks.
  • Fill the Pitcher with the white wine and mix in the Apple Brandy.
  • Top to taste with soda water.


  • Trita il limone, il lime e altri frutti a pezzi grandi.
  • Riempite la brocca con il vino bianco e aggiungete il Brandy di mele.
  • Versare a piacere l'acqua di seltz.

Serve in: Pitcher

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