Home Rocky Road Fudge

Rocky Road Fudge

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  • Miniature Marshmallows - 2 cups
  • Chocolate Chips - 3 cups
  • Peanut Butter - ½ cup
  • Vanilla Extract - 1 tsp
  • Peanuts - 1 ¼ cups

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  • Line an 8-inch-square baking pan with wax paper or foil, and coat with non-stick spray.
  • Pour ½ cup of the miniature marshmallows into the bottom of the lined baking dish.
  • In a microwave-safe bowl, combine the chocolate chips and peanut butter.
  • Microwave the chocolate mixture in 20-second intervals, stirring in between each interval, until the chocolate is melted.
  • Add the vanilla extract and stir well, until smooth.
  • Reserve 2 tablespoons of the chopped almonds or peanuts, and set aside.
  • Fold 1 ½ cups of the miniature marshmallows and the remaining chopped nuts into the chocolate mixture.
  • Transfer the chocolate mixture into the prepared pan and spread into an even layer.
  • Immediately top with the reserved chopped nuts and the mallow bits or additional miniature marshmallows, if using.
  • Refrigerate for 4 hours, or until set.
  • Remove the fudge and wax paper from the pan.
  • Carefully peel all of wax paper from the fudge.
  • Cut the fudge into bite-sized pieces and serve.

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