Home Three Fish Pie

Three Fish Pie

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  • Potatoes - 1kg
  • Butter - Knob
  • Milk - Dash
  • Gruyère - 50g
  • Butter - 75g
  • Leek - 2 sliced
  • Plain Flour - 75g
  • White Wine - 150ml
  • Milk - 568ml
  • Parsley - 2 tbs chopped
  • Salmon - 250g
  • Haddock - 250g
  • Smoked Haddock - 250g
  • Eggs - 6


  • Preheat the oven to 200C/400F/Gas 6 (180C fan).
  • Put the potatoes into a saucepan of cold salted water.
  • Bring up to the boil and simmer until completely tender.
  • Drain well and then mash with the butter and milk.
  • Add pepper and taste to check the seasoning.
  • Add salt and more pepper if necessary.
  • For the fish filling, melt the butter in a saucepan, add the leeks and stir over the heat.
  • Cover with a lid and simmer gently for 10 minutes, or until soft.
  • Measure the flour into a small bowl.
  • Add the wine and whisk together until smooth.
  • Add the milk to the leeks, bring to the boil and then add the wine mixture.
  • Stir briskly until thickened.
  • Season and add the parsley and fish.
  • Stir over the heat for two minutes, then spoon into an ovenproof casserole.
  • Scatter over the eggs.
  • Allow to cool until firm.
  • Spoon the mashed potatoes over the fish mixture and mark with a fork.
  • Sprinkle with cheese.
  • Bake for 30-40 minutes, or until lightly golden-brown on top and bubbling around the edges.

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