Home Bubble & Squeak

Bubble & Squeak

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  • Butter - 1 tbs
  • Bacon - 4
  • Onion - 1 finely sliced
  • Garlic Clove - 1 chopped
  • Brussels Sprouts - 20
  • Potatoes - 400g

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  • Melt the fat in a non-stick pan, allow it to get nice and hot, then add the bacon.
  • As it begins to brown, add the onion and garlic.
  • Next, add the sliced sprouts or cabbage and let it colour slightly.
  • All this will take 5-6 mins.
  • Next, add the potato.
  • Work everything together in the pan and push it down so that the mixture covers the base of the pan – allow the mixture to catch slightly on the base of the pan before turning it over and doing the same again.
  • It’s the bits of potato that catch in the pan that define the term ‘bubble and squeak’, so be brave and let the mixture colour.
  • Cut into wedges and serve.

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