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  • Aubergine - 2 large
  • Courgettes - 4
  • Yellow Pepper - 2
  • Tomato - 4 large
  • Olive Oil - 5 tbs
  • Basil - Bunch
  • Onion - 1 medium
  • Garlic Clove - 3 finely chopped
  • Red Wine Vinegar - 1 tsp
  • Sugar - 1 tsp


  • Cut the aubergines in half lengthways.
  • Place them on the board, cut side down, slice in half lengthways again and then across into 1.
  • 5cm chunks.
  • Cut off the courgettes ends, then across into 1.
  • 5cm slices.
  • Peel the peppers from stalk to bottom.
  • Hold upright, cut around the stalk, then cut into 3 pieces.
  • Cut away any membrane, then chop into bite-size chunks.
  • Score a small cross on the base of each tomato, then put them into a heatproof bowl.
  • Pour boiling water over the tomatoes, leave for 20 secs, then remove.
  • Pour the water away, replace the tomatoes and cover with cold water.
  • Leave to cool, then peel the skin away.
  • Quarter the tomatoes, scrape away the seeds with a spoon, then roughly chop the flesh.
  • Set a sauté pan over medium heat and when hot, pour in 2 tbsp olive oil.
  • Brown the aubergines for 5 mins on each side until the pieces are soft.
  • Set them aside and fry the courgettes in another tbsp oil for 5 mins, until golden on both sides.
  • Repeat with the peppers.
  • Don’t overcook the vegetables at this stage, as they have some more cooking left in the next step.
  • Tear up the basil leaves and set aside.
  • Cook the onion in the pan for 5 mins.
  • Add the garlic and fry for a further min.
  • Stir in the vinegar and sugar, then tip in the tomatoes and half the basil.
  • Return the vegetables to the pan with some salt and pepper and cook for 5 mins.
  • Serve with basil.

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