Home Boulangère Potatoes

Boulangère Potatoes

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  • Onions - 2 finely chopped
  • Thyme - sprigs of fresh
  • Olive Oil - 2 tbs
  • Potatoes - 1.5kg
  • Vegetable Stock - 425g

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  • Heat oven to 200C/fan 180C/gas 6.
  • Fry the onions and thyme sprigs in the oil until softened and lightly coloured (about 5 mins).
  • Spread a layer of potatoes over the base of a 1.
  • 5-litre oiled gratin dish.
  • Sprinkle over a few onions (see picture, above) and continue layering, finishing with a layer of potatoes.
  • Pour over the stock and bake for 50-60 mins until the potatoes are cooked and the top is golden and crisp.

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