Home Provençal Omelette Cake

Provençal Omelette Cake

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  • Eggs - 10
  • Olive Oil - 1 tbs
  • Courgettes - 2 finely chopped
  • Spring Onions - 3 finely chopped
  • Red Pepper - 4
  • Garlic Clove - 1 clove peeled crushed
  • Red Chilli - 1
  • Cream Cheese - 300g
  • Milk - 6 tblsp
  • Chives - 4 tbs
  • Basil - 2 tbs
  • Rocket - to serve
  • Parmesan - to serve


  • Break the eggs into two bowls, five in each.
  • Whisk lightly and season with salt and pepper.
  • Heat the oil in a pan, add the courgettes and spring onions, then fry gently for about 10 mins until softened.
  • Cool, then stir into one bowl of eggs with a little salt and pepper.
  • Add the roasted peppers to the other bowl of eggs with the garlic, chilli, salt and pepper.
  • Heat a little oil in a 20-23cm frying pan, preferably non-stick.
  • Pour the eggs with courgette into a measuring jug, then pourabout one-third of the mixture into the pan, swirling it to cover the base of the pan.
  • Cook until the egg is set and lightly browned underneath, then cover the pan with a plate and invert the omelette onto it.
  • Slide it back into the pan to cook the other side.
  • Repeat with the remaining mix to make two more omelettes, adding a little oil to the pan each time.
  • Stack the omelettes onto a plate.
  • Make three omelettes in the same way with the red pepper mixture, then stack them on a separate plate.
  • Now make the filling.
  • Beat the cheese to soften it, then beat in the milk to make a spreadable consistency.
  • Stir in the herbs, salt and pepper.
  • Line a deep, 20-23cm round cake tin with cling film (use a tin the same size as the frying pan).
  • Select the best red pepper omelette and place in the tin, prettiest side down.
  • Spread with a thin layer of cheese filling, then cover with a courgette omelette.
  • Repeat, alternating the layers, until all the omelettes and filling are in the tin, finishing with an omelette.
  • Flip the cling film over the omelette, then chill for up to 24 hrs.
  • To serve, invert the omelette cake onto a serving plate and peel off the cling film.
  • Pile rocket on the top and scatter over the cheese, a drizzle of olive oil and a little freshly ground black pepper.
  • Serve cut into wedges.

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