Home Red Peas Soup

Red Peas Soup

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  • Kidney Beans - 2 cups
  • Carrots - 1 large
  • Spring Onions - 2 chopped
  • Thyme - 4 sprigs
  • Onion - 1 Diced
  • Black Pepper - 1/2 tsp
  • Red Pepper - 2 chopped
  • Garlic Clove - 4 Mashed
  • Allspice - 1 tbs
  • Beef - 2 Lbs
  • Water - 2L
  • Potatoes - 4
  • Plain Flour - 1 cup
  • Water - 1/4 cup
  • Coconut Milk - 1 cup


  • Wash and rinse the dried kidney beans.
  • then cover with water in a deep bowl.
  • Remember as they soak they will expand to at least triple the size they were originally so add a lot of water to the bowl.
  • Soak them overnight or for at least 2 hrs to make the cooking step go quicker.
  • I tossed out the water they were soaked in after it did the job.
  • Have your butcher cut the salted pigtail into 2 inch pieces as it will be very difficult to cut with an ordinary kitchen knife.
  • Wash, then place a deep pot with water and bring to a boil.
  • Cook for 20 minutes, then drain + rinse and repeat (boil again in water).
  • The goal is to make the pieces of pig tails tender and to remove most of the salt it was cured in.
  • Time to start the soup.
  • Place everything in the pot (except the flour and potato), then cover with water and place on a high flame to bring to a boil.
  • As it comes to a boil, skim off any scum/froth at the top and discard.
  • Reduce the heat to a gentle boil and allow it to cook for 1 hr and 15 mins.
  • basically until the beans are tender and start falling apart.
  • It’s now time to add the potato (and Yams etc if you’re adding it) as well as the coconut milk and continue cooking for 15 minutes.
  • Now is a good time to start making the basic dough for the spinner dumplings.
  • Mix the flour and water (add a pinch of salt if you want) until you have a soft/smooth dough.
  • allow it to rest for 5 minutes, then pinch of a tablespoon at a time and roll between your hands to form a cigarette shape.
  • Add them to the pot, stir well and continue cooking for another 15 minutes on a rolling boil.
  • You’ll notice that I didn’t add any salt to the pot as the remaining salt from the salted pigtails will be enough to properly season this dish.
  • However you can taste and adjust accordingly.
  • Lets recap the timing part of things so you’re not confused.
  • Cook the base of the soup for 1 hr and 15 minute or until tender, then add the potatoes and cook for 15 minutes, then add the dumplings and cook for a further 15 minutes.
  • Keep in mind that this soup will thicken quite a bit as it cools.
  • While this is not a traditional recipe to any one specific island, versions of this soup (sometimes called stewed peas) can be found throughout the Caribbean, Latin America and Africa.
  • A hearty bowl of this soup will surely give you the sleepies (some may call it ethnic fatigue).
  • You can certainly freeze the leftovers and heat it up another day.

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