Home Tuna and Egg Briks

Tuna and Egg Briks

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  • Olive Oil - 2 tbs
  • Spring Onions - 8
  • Spinach - 200g
  • Filo Pastry - 4
  • Tuna - 1 can
  • Eggs - 2
  • Hotsauce - Dash
  • Tomatoes - 4 Chopped
  • Cucumber - 1/4
  • Lemon Juice - 1 tbs
  • Apricot Jam - 4 tbs


  • Heat 2 tsp of the oil in a large saucepan and cook the spring onions over a low heat for 3 minutes or until beginning to soften.
  • Add the spinach, cover with a tight-fitting lid and cook for a further 2–3 minutes or until tender and wilted, stirring once or twice.
  • Tip the mixture into a sieve or colander and leave to drain and cool.
  • Using a saucer as a guide, cut out 24 rounds about 12.
  • 5 cm (5 in) in diameter from the filo pastry, cutting 6 rounds from each sheet.
  • Stack the filo rounds in a pile, then cover with cling film to prevent them from drying out.
  • When the spinach mixture is cool, squeeze out as much excess liquid as possible, then transfer to a bowl.
  • Add the tuna, eggs, hot pepper sauce, and salt and pepper to taste.
  • Mix well.
  • Preheat the oven to 200°C (400°F, gas mark 6).
  • Take one filo round and very lightly brush with some of the remaining oil.
  • Top with a second round and brush with a little oil, then place a third round on top and brush with oil.
  • Place a heaped tbsp of the filling in the middle of the round, then fold the pastry over to make a half-moon shape.
  • Fold in the edges, twisting them to seal, and place on a non-stick baking sheet.
  • Repeat with the remaining pastry and filling to make 8 briks in all.
  • Lightly brush the briks with the remaining oil.
  • Bake for 12–15 minutes or until the pastry is crisp and golden brown.
  • Meanwhile, combine the tomatoes and cucumber in a bowl and sprinkle with the lemon juice and seasoning to taste.
  • Serve the briks hot with this salad and the chutney.

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