Home Cashew Ghoriba Biscuits

Cashew Ghoriba Biscuits

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  • Cashew Nuts - 250g
  • Icing Sugar - 100g
  • Egg Yolks - 2
  • Orange Blossom Water - 2 tbs
  • Icing Sugar - To Glaze
  • Almonds - 100g

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  • Preheat the oven at 180 C / Gas 4.
  • Line a baking tray with greaseproof paper.
  • In a bowl, mix the cashews and icing sugar.
  • Add the egg yolks and orange blossom water and mix to a smooth homogeneous paste.
  • Take lumps of the cashew paste and shape into small balls.
  • Roll the balls in icing sugar and transfer to the baking tray.
  • Push an almond in the centre of each ghribia.
  • Bake until the biscuits are lightly golden, about 20 minutes.
  • Keep an eye on them, they burn quickly.

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