Home Moussaka


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  • Beef - 500g
  • Aubergine - 1 large
  • Greek Yogurt - 150g
  • Egg - 1 beaten
  • Parmesan - 3 tbs
  • Tomato - 400g
  • Tomato Puree - 4 tbs
  • Potatoes - 350g

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  • Heat the grill to high.
  • Brown the beef in a deep ovenproof frying pan over a high heat for 5 mins.
  • Meanwhile, prick the aubergine with a fork, then microwave on High for 3-5 mins until soft.
  • Mix the yogurt, egg and parmesan together, then add a little seasoning.
  • Stir the tomatoes, purée and potatoes in with the beef with some seasoning and heat through.
  • Smooth the surface of the beef mixture with the back of a spoon, then slice the cooked aubergine and arrange on top.
  • Pour the yogurt mixture over the aubergines, smooth out evenly, then grill until the topping has set and turned golden.

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