Home Rogaliki (Polish Croissant Cookies)

Rogaliki (Polish Croissant Cookies)

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  • Butter - 1 cup
  • Egg Yolks - 3
  • Cream Cheese - 8 oz
  • Baking Powder - 1 tsp
  • Flour - 3 cups
  • Jam - 1 Jar

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  • In a medium bowl mix egg yolks, philly cheese and baking powder using a hand held mixer.
  • Carefully start adding the flour.
  • When the mixture will not be mixing well, and will look like wood chips, put away the blending mixer and using your hands knead the dough.
  • Create a roll and cover in foil and freeze for 15 minutes.
  • At this time preheat the oven to 375.
  • Take the dough out and separate into two.
  • Roll and cut out 3 inch trangles.
  • Make as many as you can and on centre of each put a small spoon of jam.
  • Roll them into a croissant shape.
  • Place the croissants onto a greased cookie sheet, and bake for 10-12 minutes or until golden.
  • Repeat with the rest of the dough.
  • When you take them out, put aside and sprinkle with powdered sugar on top.
  • This makes about 3 batches of 20 cookies each.
  • Total count about 60 cookies.

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