Home Moroccan Carrot Soup

Moroccan Carrot Soup

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  • Carrots - 6 chopped
  • Onion - 1 sliced
  • Garlic Clove - 4
  • Cumin - 1 tsp
  • Coriander - 1/2 tsp
  • Olive Oil - 1 tbs
  • Garam Masala - 1/4 tsp
  • Lemon Juice - 1 tsp

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  • Step 1 Preheat oven to 180° C.
  • Step 2 Combine carrots, onion, garlic, cumin seeds, coriander seeds, salt and olive oil in a bowl and mix well.
  • Transfer on a baking tray.
  • Step 3 Put the baking tray in preheated oven and roast for 10-12 minutes or till carrots soften.
  • Remove from heat and cool.
  • Step 4 Grind the baked carrot mixture along with some water to make a smooth paste and strain in a bowl.
  • Step 5 Heat the carrot mixture in a non-stick pan.
  • Add two cups of water and bring to a boil.
  • Add garam masala powder and mix.
  • Add salt and mix well.
  • Step 6 Remove from heat, add lemon juice and mix well.
  • Step 7 Serve hot.

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