Home Mushroom soup with buckwheat

Mushroom soup with buckwheat

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  • Mushrooms - 150g
  • Buckwheat - 50g
  • Vegetable Oil - 4 tbs
  • Onion - 40g
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Bay Leaf - 1
  • Vegetable Stock Cube - 1tbsp
  • Sour Cream - 50 ml
  • White Wine Vinegar - Dash
  • Parsley - Top


  • Chop the onion and garlic, slice the mushrooms and wash the buckwheat.
  • Heat the oil and lightly sauté the onion.
  • Add the mushrooms and the garlic and continue to sauté.
  • Add the salt, vegetable seasoning, buckwheat and the bay leaf and cover with water.
  • Simmer gently and just before it is completely cooked, add pepper, sour cream mixed with flour, the chopped parsley and vinegar to taste.

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