Home Artillery Punch

Artillery Punch

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  • Tea - 1 quart black
  • Rye whiskey - 1 quart
  • Red wine - 1 fifth
  • Rum - 1 pint Jamaican
  • Brandy - 1/2 pint
  • Benedictine - 1 1/2 oz
  • Orange juice - 1 pint
  • Lemon juice - 1/2 pint

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  • Combine all the ingredients in a large punch bowl with a block of ice.
  • If found too dry, sugar syrup may be added.
  • Decorate with twists of lemon peel.

Die Anleitung

  • Alle Zutaten in einer großen Bowle mit einem Eisblock vermengen.
  • Wenn es zu trocken ist, kann Zuckersirup hinzugefügt werden.
  • Mit Zitronenschalen garnieren.


  • Unisci tutti gli ingredienti in una grande ciotola da punch con tanto ghiaccio.
  • Se risulta troppo secco, puoi aggiungere un po’ di sciroppo di zucchero.
  • Decora con dei limoni.

Serve in: Punch bowl

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