Home Coddled pork with cider

Coddled pork with cider

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  • Butter - Knob
  • Pork Chops - 2
  • Bacon - 4
  • Potatoes - 2
  • Carrots - 1
  • Swede - 1/2
  • Cabbage - 1/2
  • Bay Leaf - 1
  • Cider - 100ml
  • Chicken Stock - 100g

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  • STEP 1 Heat the butter in a casserole dish until sizzling, then fry the pork for 2-3 mins on each side until browned.
  • Remove from the pan.
  • STEP 2 Tip the bacon, carrot, potatoes and swede into the pan, then gently fry until slightly coloured.
  • Stir in the cabbage, sit the chops back on top, add the bay leaf, then pour over the cider and stock.
  • Cover the pan, then leave everything to gently simmer for 20 mins until the pork is cooked through and the vegetables are tender.
  • STEP 3 Serve at the table spooned straight from the dish.

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